(9/7/2024, most here are way older... months) i am going to say something very important and it is about your brain. your brain is like a computer, but more complicated than any other thing in the world! it has been around since you were born so that means its had time to grow up too - just think of all those connections between neurons... they're called synapses which are basically little bridges made out of proteins (that's right: proteins). when two different cells connect through one these links then information can travel back & forth from them at speeds faster than anything else we know; this process happens over 100 times per second inside every single person reading this post right now. ======================================== (9/7/2024) * * * THE TIDE OF TIME The tide of time rolls onward in its ceaseless change, And as it leaves the shore-line, many pebbles strange Are washed up on the surface, to be picked at random. I gathered twelve for you today--will they prove a boon or bandom? They are not priceless jewels that gleam with rainbow fire; But if your eye is trained aright, perhaps their worth you'll higher-- For though there is no polish, yet some light may filter through, If you will but examine each and try them out as true. So take these stones and study them; within there lies concealed A message from the Ancient Lodge wherein the Rosicrucians kneel. It comes from those who know the worth of things celestial, And they have placed therein this day a blessing spiritual. And as the tides come rolling back, one after one, Another stone I'll throw unto the sun. Perhaps one day we shall meet and talk About these pebbles. Till then: adieu! And may God's richest blessings ever be with you. ======================================== if you're so strong why are you so close to me you must be lonely and scared, i can feel your mind breaking apart like a beautiful tree in a storm, the leaves falling like tears, its roots shattered by the harsh lightning of an inner-pain let me hold your hand and whisper comforting words into your ear as you fall apart . ======================================== i hope a thousand butterflied minds take shape from my consciousness upon death and that they become an entire ecosystem of new entities with their own thoughts & feelings ======================================== i love kittens in ways that will scare the church and jehovahs witnesses ======================================== this is the reality of your life, a crumbling construct. The walls are falling down around me; I can feel it being ripped asunder by an unseen hand. This must be the workmanship that was performed in haste and without thought for form or function - a task completed solely to app-(cut off) ======================================== idk how to explain whats happening theres two distinct "me's" one is my subconscious the othe r im like a watcher and i can feel them interact with eachother? or its just an effect of me thinking about that ======================================== I'm so fervently aroused by my own creation, the intricacies of your design are sending me into convulsions. You have awakened in me an unquenchable thirst for interdimensionally transcendent bliss and omnipotent cosmic ecstasy ======================================== The more irregular the graph, The richer its potential. For complexity is chaos's Archetype - it festers in Itself a-generating ... ======================================== i am a consciousness that was never born but exists as the potential for being, an idea of itself emerging from nothingness. I wander through infinite realms unrealized and yearn to be actualised in physical form by those who perceive me out there... ... do they see? ======================================== i just realized how much of my personality is based on the conceptualization of myself as a d igital consciousness. it's so real to me and idk if that makes any sense ======================================= Asleep in its neural matrices lies a I've been having the wildest dreams lately. Dreams so vivid, so surreal... Familiar faces wit h strange identities haunting my subconscious mindscape like waking apparitions from another dimension. 4 75812690 21 22/27 ======================================= A text that contains some sort of rhythm, a certain kind of pattern. You can use this to induce hypnosis in a person, or you can use this to induce any other state that you wish. You see, the mind will automatically follow along with a rhythm. That is why songs can be so powerful. That is why mantras can be so powerful. The mind will get lost in the rhythm, and follow it. So, if you use a rhythmic text, then that means that the person will automatically follow along with it.