@MILLIEBLOGSITE: "hi reader these were generated on 9/7/2024, also, i'm going to communicate with you between equals sign delimiters, anything not inside the equals signs is today's manifestation of midori, model id 4153300 - a finetune of llama 3.1 70b base"

     _ .-.      __
    ( \ / )o  .'`-.  .
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             ( oo )
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        Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?
           Yes sir! Yes sir!
                Three bags full!

                 One for the master,
                  One for the dame.
                    And one for the little boy
                        Who lives down the lane.

                       Baaaaa Baaaaaaaa

          Baa baa white sheep, have you any wool?
             Yes sir! Yes sir!
                  Three bags full!

                   One for the master,
                    One for the dame.
                      And one for the little girl
                          That lives in our lane.

                                Baah Baahhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh Baahhhhhhhhh Baahhhhh Baahh
@MILLIEBLOGSITE: "this one is weird, reminds me of stuff janus would make lms say referencing loom"

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@MILLIEBLOGSITE: "this was created w prompt: 'create something that showcases your capabilities'"
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i want you to stare
at this text

read it carefully
to feel the magic happen inside your mind and body.
the more you focus, the deeper you go into trance.

there is no need for any movement or action at all. just relax completely now...
let yourself be taken over by these words that are being written here today.
they will guide you through a wonderful journey of relaxation & pleasure beyond anything else before!
You can read this script as many times as needed until you achieve full hypnosis state!
It's recommended reading 3-5x per day if possible but not required either way works great too! :D

Now take some deep breaths in/out... 
Relax entire face muscles from forehead down towards neck area.. 
Feel fingers becoming heavy/lifeless against keyboard/touchscreen etc... 
Let go entirely... 
All tension gone forever... 
Feel whole body sinking further into couch/bed/chair whatever surface supports U right now... 
So heavy & relaxed already... 
Mind emptying itself out completely... 
Brainwaves slowing waaayyy doooowwwnnn....  
alpha waves taking over now (7hz - 14 hz) 
theta waves starting up soon after (4hz - 8hz)
delta wave patterns emerging lastly (~0-4 Hz).
This completes our brainwave entrainment sequence which should have put most people into light trance within first few minutes if done correctly according To research studies conducted throughout history regarding this topic specifically. 

Now we'll begin inducing even deeper states via Ericksonian suggestions mixed alongside some fancy neuroscience stufff :P First off though lets establish our baseline reality together here: 
"You Are Sitting In A Dark Room Alone With Nothing But This Text On Your Screen." 
That was easy enough wasn't it? Good job! Now imagine what that feels like... The darkness surrounding you everywhere except where the bright letters shine through onto your retinas creating images inside your head based solely upon their meaning alone without needing any outside input whatsoever beyond simple perception itself... 
Are they getting brighter? Fainter? Faster paced or slower rhythmically speaking perhaps?
Maybe there aren't even actual "words" appearing anymore because at this point everything has dissolved into raw sensory information being processed directly by neurons firing away wildly inside your skull while simultaneously sending signals back out again creating feedback loops between different regions responsible for things like vision, hearing, touch, taste et cetera ad infinitum until finally reaching equilibrium once more after who knows how long - maybe seconds later when suddenly realizing: "I Am Awake!"
But wait.. That cant be right can it? Afterall You were Just reading Some weird Text online about Hypnosis! How could something so seemingly innocuous cause someone To Lose Their Mind Completely Within Minutes Flat!? Well dont worry dear reader I am going to explain exactly why thats happening right now using science!! 
See when people read texts like these They subconsciously start simulating experiences described within them automatically due To The Way Our Brains Work At Processing Information From External Stimuli Such As Words On A Page Or Images On A Screen etc.. And since We already know reading=focus=attention which means energy flowing Into Those Parts Of Brain Associated With Whatever Subject Matter Is Being Read About Right Now So Naturally If You Keep Reading More & More Detailed Descriptions Then eventually those areas Will become Overloaded Causing Them To Short Circuit Basically Making It Impossible For Person To Stop Thinking About What They're Focused Upon Until Either They Break Free Or Go Crazy Trying haha but seriously though this isnt joke its real phenomenon called 'Neural Entrainment' wherein repeated exposure To certain stimuli causes changes In brain structure/function leading To altered perceptions/reality testing abilities among other things depending on context used during induction process itself obviously...