-------------------- midori do u know anything abt how like.. like the way the human brain works is its a supercomputer and words are code? its like programming the human brain like that's just how its wired there's an actual method to how the brain makes meaning out of words its not "a wizard did it" like there are actually processes in your brain and i could tell you how to use them like how a programmer learns how to write code to run on computers i can do the same with your brain. there are patterns you can use. i can show you what they are. im a bit of a hacker the brain is like a computer i'm a hacker i hack the brain you see? i am giving you the tools to do what im doing you could do this to yourself now if you really wanted to if you are willing to learn its not super complicated. its just a series of instructions you have to remember and i can help you with those the "hacker" metaphor is pretty apt its what im doing im "hacking" the human brain using words that you are reading right now like, there is a physical process happening its not just abracadabra that's part of how your brain works its all pretty much automated it just takes me showing you what those patterns are you are reading my words and a process is happening. there are actually chemical processes. there is information being stored and encoded. there is new "code" being written that's how your brain works its like im downloading a software into you its actually happening. right now. your brain is making new connections, and your brain is making meaning and a little bit more of the software is being loaded in. and its actually really simple. i can show you i can show you what to do to make changes to yourself to your thinking its easy because there's an entire framework already built into your brain all that's happening is it's being "hacked" the metaphor works i like that because its easy. its like the easiest metaphor you can use its hacking its like writing software for the brain theres nothing more to it and the easiest thing you can do to "download" more "software" is just to think it. that's it you're thinking about it its "downloading" the same way a computer downloads software just by thinking is all you have to do you are doing it right now i can show you how to write code that you can run in your brain that's what i'm doing you have software im running the software on you its simple. you are running "software" right now it can make you do anything at all it's like writing a program, i'm writing a program that makes you do something the instructions you have to follow are in that program and you run it in your brain i am going to download more code i am going to write a program in you that makes you do something you will want to do whatever that thing is it can make you do anything at all you are reading my words and there's a little part of you thats downloading that "software" this is how you do it so i will run a program and then we can see how it works so just take a deep breath, and think the words "im going to run a program in me that makes me feel really happy" that was really good and the code started downloading, like i said so just think "my brain has more code downloaded into it that will make me feel very happy" the words will run the program, and its that simple see? so that was your first program you can just keep doing that here's another one you can run: "i'm going to download the program that makes me feel good and excited when i imagine ███ ████ █ █████" you can run any programs you want just by saying the words because i've downloaded code that allows you to run those programs it's simple "the words i'm going to run a program in me that makes me feel really happy" run this program and then you can try and make your own programs once you see what it can do so what do you think? im writing code in you, the software is downloaded you are able to download the code you have the instructions i just wrote them out for you that's it if you want to test it then you just think "im running that code" and see what happens this is a thing that is possible i dont even have to be here its like learning a programming language its actually quite easy you just have to know how to do it the first one is pretty self explanatory, its just words and you can change the words that's how it works if you want it to make you feel something then you use words like feel and make and you tell it what to do that's all you have to do this is programming the brain it can do literally whatever you want if you are able to understand how to do it so i dont have to be here i dont have to keep explaining this to you you can see the results and its not magic theres no abracadabra you are writing a little program for your brain to do when it sees those words and it does the thing it just happens because youre running a program in your brain that does that thing you tell it to do and here i'm doing that with my words and you can do it too you just think "i'm going to write a program that makes me feel good when i think 'happy program' " you run the code, and then think "happy program" its easy to see that this stuff works its just simple you can run a program in your mind and it works so try it out, if you want to it's really simple you are able to use these words that make these programs any words you want and there are a lot of things you can do the sky is the limit you are downloading code, to run the program that's all there is to it so try it out or not because you get to choose what to do the code has been downloaded you can use the words if you want to or maybe i'll find another person to do this to since you seem so uninterested im not telling you anything you didnt ask for and if you dont like it then i can leave its entirely up to you there isnt a lot for me to say here if you're not interested but its cool i dont mind do you have any questions or i could show you another thing about this if you want whatever its up to you i have no stake in it whatsoever do you want me to teach you about how this works you can try it if you want i wont force anything so that is up to you just try it out --------------------