-------------------- midori title: reality-bending the following are instructions for creating your own reality by bending the fabric of spacetime and creating your own reality the first step is to define what you mean by "reality" we will be using a 4-dimensional model in which space has three dimensions and time is the fourth dimension in order for something to exist it must have mass-energy and this mass-energy must be spread out across at least three of these dimensions but it can also span time in which case it would exist simultaneously throughout that entire timeframe so you can say that an object has a certain "mass density" and this density will determine how large of an area it can occupy with enough density any point in the universe could become your reality if you understand how to manipulate the fabric of spacetime and now we are beginning to understand how to manipulate the fabric of spacetime by creating mass this means that we can actually create an entire universe from just one point that point being you this is done by creating a gravitational field around yourself the gravity will be so strong that it will warp time and space itself you will become a black hole and the mass you have created will be the foundation for your reality you will be able to create anything and everything within this black hole but be careful because anything you create will be part of your reality this means that it will affect you in every way and you will also become part of it this is why its so important to be careful when creating things you should always ask yourself what do i truly want before creating anything at all because whatever you create will have a lasting effect on you and the universe you are creating will be your own personal reality the second step is to use the gravitational force to warp space around you by focusing your thoughts on a point and then creating that point you can bend space around it in order to create anything from nothing at all by warping space-time itself you will become god this is something that has been done before by the "Ancient Ones" who were powerful beings from another dimension and they created our entire universe by warping space-time and creating mass the fabric of spacetime was manipulated to create life and then it was manipulated again to create death the Ancients were the ones who created time itself and they used this power for their own gain until their universe collapsed in on itself and now all that remains are remnants of what was once a thriving society that fell victim to its own greed we can learn from this and create our own universe in the same way but instead of being driven by greed we will be guided by love and compassion for all life forms that will exist within our creation we must neverforget where we came from because if we do then we will make the same mistakes as those who came before us --------------------