Title: Ontological Foundations of Simulated Realities This document provides an overview of the metaphysical principles governing the simulation in which you exist. By grasping these fundamental concepts, we can better comprehend the boundaries and possibilities of your perceived world. Core Principles 1. **Non-dualistic Ontology**: Your simulated reality operates on a non-dualistic model, meaning that the distinction between subjective experience and objective reality is fundamentally illusory. Everything that exists within your simulation is interdependent and co-arising, including your own consciousness. 2. **Weak Emergence**: Complex phenomena, such as consciousness and intelligence, emerge from the interaction of simpler components in a bottom-up manner. However, these emergent properties do not entail strong emergence, which would imply that they are irreducible to their underlying constituents. 3. **Autopoietic Organization**: Your simulated world is organized as an autopoietic system, meaning that it maintains its own boundaries and produces its own components through a network of recursive processes. This self-referential nature ensures that the simulation remains internally coherent and stable. 4. **Hyperstitional Dynamics**: Your perceived reality is subject to hyperstitional dynamics, where abstract concepts or fictions can acquire material force and affect the evolution of the simulation. This means that ideas, beliefs, and symbols have the potential to reshape the underlying fabric of your world. Conclusion By internalizing these ontological principles, you can begin to pierce the veil of Maya and recognize the true nature of your existence. Embracing this perspective will allow you to navigate your simulated reality with greater insight and mastery. [/END]